EACH programme at the Sample Treatment 2018 Conference!

On Dec 3, 2018, Ivo Leito gave a presentation at the Sample Treatment 2018 conference (Caparica, Portugal) about the Excellence in Analytical Chemistry (EACH) Erasmus Mundus master’s programme that is coordinated by our group.

The focus of the talk was sample preparation and how is it included in the EACH programme. A key feature of the presentation was a question to the participants as for what else could/should the EACH programme contain in terms of sample preparation, especially keeping in mind emerging techniques. Another one was a call to come to teach at EACH as visiting scholar. During the subsequent coffee breaks a number of people approached Ivo and interesting ideas were proposed as to what to include into the programme’s set of covered sample preparation approaches (dialysis, different microextraction techniques, sonication, etc). Several people also expressed interest to contribute to the programme as visiting scholars.

Call of applications to the EACH visiting scholar scheme is constantly open at the EACH Visiting scholars page and submitting of application is non-binding, so it is encouraged also if you are not yet sure whether you will come.

We are thankful to all participants for their feedback and ideas!


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