The analytical chemistry scientists (Dr Signe Vahur, Dr Anu Teearu-Ojakäär, Prof Ivo Leito) together with physicists (Dr Rünno Lõhmus, Dr Aleksei Treshchalov, Prof Jaak Kikas) from the Institute of Physics at the University of Tartu and conservation scientists at the Estonian Academy of Arts (Prof Hilkka Hiiop, MSc Käthi Niman), have published a new tutorial review article, “Laser-based analytical techniques in cultural heritage science – Tutorial review“ in the journal of Analytica Chimica Acta. The article is available here:

This comprehensive collaboration article is significant for the cultural heritage investigation workgroup and the PRG1198 project team, which is currently developing a new laser-based MS system.
The main focus of this tutorial review is to give a simple and accessible overview of the physical background of different lasers, their parameters, and examples of applications in analytical techniques useful for the identification of components of various complex materials from a cultural heritage point of view. Besides conservators and cultural heritage scientists, this review may also interest researchers and students of other fields (e.g., material science, physics, chemistry, forensics, etc.) who wish to know more about lasers.