Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty in Chemical Analysis
This is an introductory course on estimation of measurement uncertainty, specifically related to chemical analysis (analytical chemistry). The course gives the main concepts and mathematical apparatus of measurement uncertainty estimation and introduces two principal approaches to measurement uncertainty estimation – the ISO GUM modeling approach (the “bottom-up” or modeling approach) and the single-lab validation approach as implemented by Nordtest (the “top-down” or Nordtest approach). The course contains lectures, practical exercises and numerous tests for self-testing.
LC-MS Method Validation
This is a practice-oriented on-line course on validation of analytical methods, specifically using LC/MS as technique. The course introduces the main concepts and mathematical apparatus of validation, covers the most important method performance parameters and ways of estimating them. The course contains lectures, practical exercises and numerous tests for self-testing.
Instrumental Analysis of Cultural Heritage Objects
This online course focuses on the instrumental analysis of cultural heritage objects. An overview of the most widespread instrumental techniques – both destructive and non-destructive such as IR and Raman spectroscopy, SEM-EDS, XRF, XRD, ICP-MS, GC-MS, LC-MS, HRMS, etc that can be used for the analysis of cultural heritage materials are presented. The capabilities of these techniques for the chemical analysis of cultural heritage as well as archaeological objects and interpretation of the obtained results are discussed. This course is in the last phase of development and starts in the 2022/23 study year.