We are glad to announce that the EcoBalt 2016 programme has been converging nicely – we have now a lot of interesting presenters! At the same time there are still free slots so that we continue to accept abstracts both for oral and poster presentations. The conference takes place in Tartu (Estonia) during 9.-12. October 2016.
In addition to the scientific content the EcoBalt 2016 conference will be hosting two tutorial classes with the following topics:
— Tutorial on measurement uncertainty (Oct 09, 2016)
— Tutorial on LC/MS method validation (Oct 12, 2016)
Both of these will be interactive sessions oriented towards solving practical questions, making decisions in measurement uncertainty and validation, performing calculations, etc. The tutorials assume basic knowledge of the topics – measurement uncertainty and validation, respectively. There is no extra fee for the tutorial classes – the conference fee covers also the tutorials. If you are interested in participation in one or both tutorial classes, please register to the EcoBalt 2016 conference.
The registration is still open at the EcoBalt 2016 website.
The most current information is in the EcoBalt 2016 4th circular.
We also have created the EcoBalt 2016 Facebook page where all the latest news are presented.
If any questions, do not hesitate to contact the local organizers, Dr Riin Rebane (riin.rebane@ut.ee) or Prof Ivo Leito (ivo.leito@ut.ee).
EcoBalt 2016 is an environmental science conference, with a strong focus on environmental analytical chemistry and metrology/quality aspects of analytical measurements and there will be a special session there dedicated to these topics.